Top Eight CV Mistakes That You Should Avoid

Top Eight CV Mistakes That You Should Avoid

Liron Oren

Written By Liron Oren

When a potential employer opens a CV, the first thing they are looking to do, is reject the application. An employer has one vacancy and hundreds of advert responses to screen. It’s easier to reject a candidate than to progress someone to the hiring team. As a potential candidate, there are 8 CV mistakes that you can avoid to ensure that you are not one of the rejection statistics:

Always spell-check your application; if there are words that you can’t spell, then don’t use them. Also, please don’t use a Thesaurus unless you understand the original meaning.

Ensure that your CV is legible, with a clear approach to your history. Personal details, profile (ideally in a cover letter), employment, education and training, additional skills & languages. The End. Definitely no fancy fonts and always keep to 2 pages. Make sure to double-check the formatting when uploading to a job site (e.g Indeed) as well.

If you’re applying for a role as CEO for a Global Manufacturing company, yet your application is tailored towards working as a cleaner in a fast-food chain, then you’re probably not going to get the job. Ensure your skills match those of the job requirements before applying for a role.

Be accurate and truthful throughout your whole application, you will either be caught out during the screening process, at interview, or within your probationary period.

Not the type you went on with your partner last week. Make sure the dates throughout your CV are correct and run consecutively. If there is a gap in your employment, put the dates in and a brief explanation. This could be any reason, maternity, paternity, job seeking… whatever it is, just be honest.

A good opportunity to explain some of your skills and achievements briefly. Don’t make this a novel. Keep to the facts and keep it professional. The fact that you were runner-up in a junior swimming competition, whilst interesting, doesn’t need to be included on your CV.

Unless you’re applying to be a model, remove your photo from your CV. One of the biggest potential areas for discrimination is that your face doesn’t fit.

Remove your hobbies. If you’re applying to work where all of the office are football fans and you like ice skating, you might not make the cut. If it’s not relevant, don’t mention it.

In conclusion

Applying for jobs can sometimes be disheartening, but if you apply for the jobs that match your skillset and follow the suggestions above, then this will enable you to move your career forward. The Jigsaw Business Group has regular job postings for STEM positions. Get in touch if you have any questions.

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