5 Stage Recruitment Process

5 Stage Recruitment Process

Liron Oren

Written By Liron Oren

When finding the perfect fit for your business, we utilise our 5-stage recruitment process. Our team use this process to remove all candidates who aren’t right for your organisation.

Recruiting candidates for your business is difficult. Let us carry out our 5-stage recruitment process to help your business employ the right fit.

Our recruitment process has seen a 100% 2-year retention rate with our placed candidates. You can trust that we will find you the candidate that is the best match for your vacancy.

5 Stage Recruitment Process

When you use our services, you can expect that we will establish a close relationship between your business and Jigsaw Business Group. This is to thoroughly understand the role that needs to be filled and the job requirements. We then use this information to begin our search for the perfect fit for your business.

Our CV screening stage eliminates all candidates who are not suitable for the role your business is looking to fill. This can be as a result of a lack of relevant skills or experience within the specific field your business operates within.

We use this stage to assess the candidate’s experience and relevant skills. We also use this stage to assess the suitability of the candidate to your business’ working environment.

An industry expert from within Jigsaw Business Group conducts the second interview and assess the key technical abilities that potential candidates possess.

If a candidate is successful, and completes our 5-stage recruitment process, we then submit their candidate pack to your business. You can rest assured that we only put forward candidates that we would hire ourselves.

Key Performance Indicators

Our extensive connections within the industries we serve means that we can seek out the candidate that is perfect for your business. Our team have access to thousands of potential candidates that we screen for positions.

Jigsaw Business Group’s recruitment solutions have established a relationship with, and have placed several candidates within the business. Beginning with a pool of 6,501 candidates. Using our 5-stage recruitment process, we reduced the potential candidates to 53, of which we forwarded to our client.

Save your business the time and resources by using Jigsaw Business Group.

Contact Us

To fully understand why your business needs to use Jigsaw Business Group for your specialist recruitment needs read our blog on the consequences of hiring the wrong person.

Contact us to find the perfect fit for your organisation, email us at info@jigsawbusinessgroup.com, or, call us on 0191 228 6598.


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